Data breaches can devastate businesses and consumers – and they are on the rise. Over the last decade, Maryland has experienced some of the country’s most destructive data breaches. Bringing it even closer to home, is the fact that the medical/health care industry ranked highest among the at-risk industries affected by data breaches over the past few years, according to a recent study from Comparitech.* These are precarious times.
Law firms are not immune to cyber-attacks. We store, manage and transfer copious amounts of confidential information, making us an ideal target. This is why our firm has taken drastic and proactive steps to protect the data we are entrusted. We have mandatory online security training every quarter. We even hired an outside security firm to “spear phish” our internal emails with fake emails to train ourselves to recognize the traps that lead to cyber-attacks. In addition, our IT Department is constantly updating our firewall, and almost all of our communications are either encrypted or secured.
While there are no guarantees, we have implemented widespread tactics to help prevent a cyber-attack and data breach, and hope you do too.
Bottom Line: Don’t be devastated by a data breach. Being proactive now can help secure your data moving forward.
If you have any questions about our strategies, or if we can help with ideas to secure your data, please contact us.
*Imperva 2019 Cyberthreat Defense Report