Your Partner in Medical Malpractice and Administrative Defense

We are skilled litigators known for a vigorous approach to defending health care providers, medical institutions and insureds. Using more than 200 years of collective knowledge and experience, we try cases throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C., relating to a wide range of medical-legal issues.

About Us

When dealing with medical malpractice and professional administrative defense issues, you need a partner you can trust. Waranch & Brown has been earning that trust in Maryland for more than 25 years. Our trial attorneys are dedicated to ensuring health care providers, state-wide hospital systems and national insurance carriers receive vigorous and efficient defenses of their legal disputes.

Christina Billet and Neal Brown



Medical Malpractice

As medical malpractice defense attorneys, we have extensive experience defending health care professionals and hospitals and understand complex medical issues.


Licensure and Privileging

We represent health care providers in matters relating to licensure and credentialing, and regularly defend physicians, nurses, podiatrists and other health care providers in actions taken against them by professional Boards.

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Birth Injury Litigation

Our attorneys are entrusted with defending birth injury and wrongful birth cases for Maryland’s largest hospital systems and obstetrical teams. We use creative and aggressive defense strategies to help our clients obtain the best possible results.

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Nursing Home and Long-Term Care

We have extensive experience defending nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and long-term care facilities. We apply thoughtful and innovative approaches to common issues facing our clients.

Clinical Trials and Research Studies

Our attorneys have over a decade of experience representing hospitals, research institutions and individual researchers/ physicians at every stage of the litigation process.

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Civil Litigation

Waranch & Brown is regarded as one of Maryland’s premier civil litigation defense firms, representing a wide range of individuals, insurers and corporations in virtually every type of personal and commercial litigation.

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Appellate Practice

Waranch & Brown, LLC is a full-service litigation firm handling all aspects of a dispute, from pre-suit matters through appeal. Ensuring a successful appeal is through proper preparation and counseling our clients at all litigation levels.

What’s most important when selecting and working with defense counsel?

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Litigation Report 2021

Articles – Think Pieces

Christina N. Billiet, Esq., Named Fellow of Litigation Counsel of America

Do Experts Still Matter?

Combatting Jury Presumptions: Do Only “Winners” Go to Trial?